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Helping children preserve and protect

the gifts of family, nature, and literacy


Preserve and Protect

With the support of people like you, Monarch Publishers will be able to help preserve and protect the gifts of nature. Through reading and exploring ideas from our title Preserve and Protect Jake and the Migration of the Monarch you can learn how to improve the chances that monarch butterflies will continue to migrate successfully. By learning more and teaching others about these amazing creatures, together we will be better prepared to take good care of every part of their migratory path. We hope you will develop a lifelong affection for monarchs and an interest in helping overcome some of the challenges to their survival.

Everything we can do to better understand and appreciate the movements of monarchs will help toward their conservation.
Robert Michael Pyle

Don’t forget to write! If you have ideas or experiences you’d like to share to help monarchs, we’d love to hear from you. Please email your comments or questions to

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