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Writing Instruction

Dr. O’Connor’s Common Core Reading and Writing Program improves students’ literacy skills through carefully crafted author visits, writing residencies, and professional development.  Inspiring for teachers and students alike, the author helps students feel a genuine connection to what they read and what they write.  Students learn to observe their lives and the world around them while drafting, revising, editing, and publishing well crafted narratives and expository texts.

“Dr. O’Connor has visited our schools for the past five years and we intend to continue well into the future.  Our writing scores have improved tremendously, one grade level by 25 points!  Each year students greet her with hugs and cheers, asking ‘How soon can Dr. O’Connor come back?’”  Violet Salisbury, Reading Interventionist, Hampton, SC


The Common Core Reading and Writing Program is centered on Dr. O’Connor’s highly acclaimed children’s books.  She believes that excellent writing is inspired by reading, observing, and telling stories that really matter to the writer. Students and their teachers make authentic, personal connections to the author, her texts, and their own experiences relating to family ties and a sense of belonging.  Writing practice relies on a close reading and understanding of her texts, a focus on making personal writing more informative and evidence based, engaging in academic discussions about the author’s work and their own work, and giving students ample time for thoughtful practice.   

Using The Six Traits of Writing, the Common Core Reading and Writing Program is tailored to the grade level from grades K – 8. There is a natural grade level and skill progression in Dr. O’Connor’s approach to balanced literacy instruction, providing optimal student writing development. This specific, focused progression is mirrored in the ongoing professional development,  providing development to teachers that promotes the writing growth in their students.  This approach will be especially beneficial as South Carolina adopts Common Core State Standards and returns to a standardized writing assessment for grades three through eight. 

“The school visits were a great success at all Georgetown County Elementary Schools.  It is with great pleasure that I recommend the work of Dr. Crystal O’Connor.  The material is original and creative.  Without exception, all participants gave the highest ratings possible on their evaluations.”  Dr. Randy Dozier, Superintendent, Georgetown County School District

Below are links to more information about each of the four writing instruction programs:

The Magical Migration Adventure (Grades K - 3)

Memories, Melodies and Our South Carolina Home (Grades 3 and 4)

Piecing Together a Writer's Quilt (Grades 4 and 5)

Writing Well for Different Purposes (Grades 6 - 8)


These programs are typically offered combined with professional development sessions, and are available in full day to week-long programs.  Multi-day discounts are available, and your school may be eligible to receive a $5,000 grant for books to be used during writing residencies five days or longer. 


Select one of the links below to read comments from prior participants, see pictures of some of Dr. O'Connor's school visits, plan a visit of your own, or to see her school visit calendar.

What People Are Saying

Pictures from School Visits

Planning Your School Visit

Schedule of Upcoming School Visits



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