Jake and the Migration of the Monarch
* What is a Census? *
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- Math Guide - What is a Census?
- In the book, Jake’s finger moved “like the hand of a clock” counting butterflies — “two, four, five, twelve.”
- A census is a count of something.
- Often it is a count of people.
- In the United States, for example, the federal government does a census at the end of every 10 years.
- As of Nov. 13, 2004, the total number of people in the United States is 294,749,555.
- Write and say that number.
- Depending on the age of student, you might discuss place values or create word problems (example: How many classes like ours would it take to make that number?).
- Young children might enjoy taking a census of the
number of butterflies found in the book. Sometimes they are hard to spot, just like in real life.