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Make a Calendar

Make a calendar of plants and flowers butterflies like best. 

  • You may need a large sheet of art paper cut into 12 equal areas naming the months on the top of each page.

  • Each month, go for walks making notes and drawings of the nectar flowers and host plants you see, or take a picture of them.

  • Put your drawing or photo in the right month, marking the time you find them. 

  • You might also find a copy of the flower you see in a nature magazine and cut it out.

  • Each time you see a nectar flower or a host plant make a drawing, mark the date and place it was growing. 

  • Notice whether it is in bud, flowering or in seed. 

  • Each time you go for a walk, you can make more notes and add them to a binder. 

  • It is especially nice to learn the flowers in your own yard that are good plants to preserve and protect monarchs, especially milkweed. 

  • Visit local butterfly gardens to find just what you need for your calendar so that you can learn about the changes in the plants throughout the year. 

  • In our area, Roper Mountain Science Center has especially nice gardens and people to help you learn. 

  • If your school has a butterfly garden, make a school calendar about butterfly plants and use it as a fundraiser! 

  • You may want to send some of the proceeds to organizations working to protect and preserve monarchs.

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