Before doing this life cycle activity, refer to the pages in
the book showing the monarch lifecycle. Find the stages of
the butterfly and label them with the appropriate names (Egg,
Larva, Pupa, Adult).
Fold the construction paper in half lengthwise. (We call this the hot dog fold.)
Fold the (folded) paper into fourths by folding it in half and then in half again.
Open out the last two folds, but keep the top folded down to the bottom.
On the TOP, cut along the 3 parallel fold lines from the bottom of the paper to the top fold. DO NOT cut through both layers of paper.
Label the four top flaps: Egg Larva, Pupa, Adult. Then students draw a picture of each
stage on the flap.
Lift each flap and describe the corresponding life cycle stage on the paper underneath.