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* Andrews School Visit - October 23, 2007 *

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What Andrews Elementary School said about Author Crystal Ball O'Connor's visit:

“Dear Colleagues,

During the 2006-07 school year, Andrews Elementary School hosted Crystal Ball O’Connor and her presentation of Jake and the Migration of the Monarch to students in an assembly format by grade levels in the auditorium.  This year we are having her return and focusing on specific grade levels and specific learning standards as well as writing.

Her presentation is geared towards South Carolina Science Standards and writing.  We focused on second grade and held presentations in the media center.  Rather than having 250 or more students listening to the presentation, there were not more than sixty students interacting and learning about the migration of the monarch butterfly during the interactive session. 

Throughout the session, students and teachers interacted with Dr. O’Connor and were reminded of the importance of writing in science, observations, vocabulary related to the monarch butterfly and the actual science standards relevant to their grade level.  Both the students and the teachers enjoyed the interaction and the learning process in the smaller setting.  In my opinion, they took more away from the presentation today that will enable them to be better students and life long learners.

We also purchased two classroom sets of the book for use by the science teacher and the classroom teachers while teaching about migration of butterflies and other science and writing skills.  I encourage you to have Crystal and Jake present at your schools in the smaller setting.  I promise everyone will enjoy and learn!  In fact, she and Katherine will be visiting in the spring and share with us Katherine’s Quilt.”  Brian G. Clark, Principal


“Our school recently had the privilege to host Crystal Ball O’Connor as she presented her book Jake and the Migration of the Monarch.  We had previously had this experience in a large group assembly of multiple grade levels.  This year, our assembly was only second grade and broken into small groups of about three classes.  I cannot tell you how much we enjoyed this presentation.  The students and teachers were actively engaged and very enthused about learning.  This gave the students and teachers an incredible learning opportunity.  It was apparent that the South Carolina Standards had been studied and incorporated into the presentation.  The integration was amazing as many science, language arts, and social studies were addressed.

Dr. O’Connor is a magnificent example of a life long learner and teacher.  She inspired our teachers and students to find a topic and take a passionate interest, then explore the possibilities.  I was amazed that after the presentation students who saw her last year remembered her and asked for her autograph.  This speaks volumes as to the kind of lasting impression that was made.

I look forward to working with Dr. O’Connor in the future.  The second grade teachers and I have already begun planning a way to expand this learning experience and we can’t wait to have her back next year.  This integrated, inspiring learning experience is exactly what we want for our students and teachers.”  Claire W. Grant, Science Specialist


Check out the pictures from our visit:


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