What Shell Point said about Author Crystal Ball
O'Connor's visit:
“Wow! What a
wonderful program we had with Dr. O’Connor today here at Shell
Point Elementary. The pacing was perfect; the material
covered was interesting and engaging; the music and activity
(wearing the butterfly wings) were both fun and entertaining
for the students and the teachers. The children listened and
watched as Dr. O'Connor set the stage for this amazing book
about the monarch butterfly. I am so glad she came to our
school. I would highly recommend it to other elementary
schools. It was time and money well spent. We have had a few
authors here in the past. This by far was the best! Thanks
for coming.” Carole Green, Shell Point
“Dr. O'Connor
was outstanding as a presenter to our children at Shell Point
Elementary. She captured their imaginations and took us
all on a magical journey to Mexico! We learned about the
process of writing to be an author, how books are put
together, songs in English and Spanish, and lots of
interesting facts and ways to help the monarch butterfly
survive and thrive. Thank you!” Kathleen Ann
Lawrence, Shell Point
Check out the pictures from our visit!